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If you think you know enough about the adidas brand, we might just convince you otherwise. adidas Terrex is the outdoor division of the three stripes that makes the best sneakers for hiking, trail running and overall all kinds of outdoor activities with an emphasis on function and comfort. The epitome of all this is the adidas Terrex Free Hiker, which, as the name suggests, serves one beautiful free purpose the best. Just slip it on and head out into the wilderness. Backed by thousands of cushioning BOOST microparticles in the midsole and a waterproof Gore-Tex upper, this will be your number one hiking choice.
Textile: The textile upper of the sneakers is lightweight, breathable and comfortable, ideal for everyday wear and sports. It ensures air circulation, keeps feet fresh and adapts to their shape. Often complemented with synthetic or rubber details for durability and support.
Syntetika: The synthetic upper is made of synthetic materials that are lightweight, durable and easy to clean. It provides good protection against moisture and at the same time allows for a comfortable wearing experience.
Gore-tex: Gore-Tex technology in shoe uppers has revolutionized outdoor footwear by providing a waterproof yet breathable barrier that keeps feet dry and comfortable in a variety of weather conditions. The unique membrane of this material allows water vapour to escape while preventing water penetration, making it ideal for running shoes used in rainy or snowy climates.
BOOST: The technology of a thousand smaller particles that reduces the force of the impact and at the same time yields an extremely high energy return.
Continental: The Continental™ outsole is known for its excellent performance on a variety of surfaces, whether it's dry, wet, hot or cold. The technology provides high traction on both ascent and descent, making it an ideal choice for a variety of outdoor activities.