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Are you going on a trip, but you don't want to give up on fashionable shoes even in the mountain passes? Then the adidas Terrex sneakers are for you. Not only will they keep you steady as you cross the Alps, but you won't get lost in them when you descend into Milan, the centre of the fashion world.
In addition to shoes, you'll also find the adidas Terrex clothing collection in this outdoor segment at Footshop Online. From windbreakers to thermal underwear, all pieces are designed to withstand the harshest forces of nature. It's up to you what challenge you decide to take on this time.
Quality, style and functionality
As well as waterproof uppers, most adidas Terrex shoes boast a quality and functional Continental sole from a leading tyre manufacturer. You'll not only experience its benefits on slippery surfaces, which will suddenly be much less of an obstacle, but also in winter thanks to its thermostatic capabilities.
From the more limited edition adidas Terrex pieces, you can choose, for example, the sustainable results of the collaboration with Parley For The Oceans or the collab falling into the top product line of adidas called Consortium. In addition to adidas Terrex shoes, you can also find clothing from this outdoor segment at Footshop online.
All this in men's and women's sizes and a wide range of colours. So which piece will be yours in the end?
WIND.RDY: Technology prepared to protect you from the wind with windproof and from the rain with water-repellent material.
Water repellent
100% Recycled polyester
100% Recycled polyester
Do not dry in a dryer
Hand wash
Do not use fabric softener
Use only mild washing detergent
Wash with the same colored laundry
Do not use bleach
Don't clean chemically
Don't iron
is used for products that are made using more environmently-friendly proceses which uses less water, energy and chemicals. Products with international certifications such as bluesign®, the 100 standard by OEKO-TEX® and MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® are placed under this label.
Products with this label are made mostly of recycled materials mostly made from old waste such as plastic bottles and clothes. These products has smaller environmental footprint thanks to processing more waste materials than virgin materials.
Are you interested in how we assess sustainability at Footshop and what we are doing about it? See our sustainability page.